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Experience the Miracle of Unconditional Divine Love


For some reason, we humans seem to think we need to earn God’s love.

Animals do not do this. Plants do not do this. Rocks do not do this. Of all God’s creations, only humans seem to think God loves us conditionally.

We have created many rules, rituals, and organizations around our attempts to earn God’s love. We have even created different names for God.

Some of this has helped us get closer to God, while some of this has led us away from God. Some of this has led us to argue with and kill each other.

This is not an attempt to make anyone right or wrong.

This is simply an invitation to consider a potentially life-transforming concept.

If God is complete and unconditional love, then maybe we don’t need to be, do, or have anything in order to earn God’s love.

Maybe we are enough exactly as we are.

Maybe God loves us exactly as we are.

Within this website are books, personal workshops, and invitations to see yourself through the eyes of unconditional divine love.

Many people have an idea that God has always loved us unconditionally. Every day we can open up and allow ourselves to feel more and more of the love God has for us. Every day our lives can become more and more of a miracle.

Our intention is that you will open yourself to feel all of the love God has for you.

If love is not the reason God has given us life, what other reason is there?

God Equals Love Book Series

All Books Either Are or Will Soon Be Available for Free as Ebooks

Click below to learn more.

Book 1 – Divine Self-Esteem

Book 6 - God Is In There

GOD Equals Love Audio

 Listen to the Book 1 Audio Book (Divine Self-Esteem)

Audio Books & More


Sources of Inspiration

I've been blessed to learn from many teachers. Below are some of the works that have inspired this work.


GOD & Jesus

I seek direct relationship with them more than I seek the written word (so many versions, hard to know which is right and how literally or not to take them). No offense intended to anyone. I just find the direct relationship through prayer, meditation and listening for guidance works best for me.

I REALLY wish I had videos of Jesus teaching.


My Parents

My mother was my first human spiritual mentor and still teaches me so much today. My father is one of the most accepting, understanding & forgiving people I've ever met. 


Loving People

I find that many people quietly lead with love by example. I do my best to learn from them.

Author's Note

These Ideas Work For Me…

I wouldn’t call them beliefs because I’m not attached to them. I’m not ready to kill or die to prove I’m right or that someone else is wrong. This is not dogma, so there’s no need for anyone to argue. I’m not suggesting I’m right or others are wrong. I may be incorrect. I’m not saying I hold the only truth, the ultimate truth, or even truth.

This book is a collection of ideas that feel true to me, inspire me, and work for me (based on what I can see in my life). I’d love to hear how these and other ideas work for you. I see this as a two-way learning relationship that we can both learn from. I’m not the teacher. You’re not the student. We’re just two people exploring ideas about the divine in hope of improving our lives and the world.


Please Accept My Humility and My Grandiosity

It is my only intention that this work brings you closer to peace, love, joy, happiness, and a greater connection with the divine. Please excuse my limitations as a writer as I attempt to do this. It is not my intention to make anyone feel wrong, uncomfortable, that they need to change, or feel anything other than fully loved, accepted and supported.

         Please accept my grandiosity in wanting to address such a huge and important subject (and any apparent presumption that I’m right). Please also accept my humility in doing my best to make myself vulnerable by sharing something I think will make the world a better place. I honor all those people, organizations, religions, beliefs, rituals, and everything else that seeks to do the same,

         At the same time, I remain excited, open-hearted and open-minded to seeing how we may grow, evolve, and change how we relate with the divine and each other to bring about even more peace, love, and happiness.

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